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日期:2022-05-31 13:17:00八掌柜發(fā)布:costaricadining.com生日最暖心短句人氣:114我來評論
Hagrid: That? lt39;s,it39;sum... Ron: I know what that isl But Hagrid,how did you get one ? Hagrid: I won itl Off a stranger I met in the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it as a matter of fact. Hermione: Is that a dragon ? Ron: That39;s not just a dragon! That39;s a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania. Hagrid: lsn39;t he beautiful ? Oh bless him,lookj he knows his mummy! Hello,Norbert! Harry: Norbert? Hagrid: Yeah. WhY he39;s gotta have a name,got he ? Don39;t you, Norbert ? De de de de del Oh! Woahl Woah! He39;II have to be trained up a bit of course. Who39;s that ? Harry: Malfoy. Hagrid: Oh,dear. Harry: Hagrid always wanted a dragon He told me so the first time I ever met him Ron: lt39;s crazyl And worse Malfoy knows. Hermione: I don 39;t understand. Is that bad ? Ron: lt39;s bad. McGonagall: Good evening. Nothing,I repeat,nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore as punishment for your actions,50 points will be taken. Harry: 50! McGonagall: Each. And to ensure it doesn39; t happen again,all four Of you will receive detention. Malfoy: Excuse mel Professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thoUght you said the four of us. McGonagall: No you heard me correctly,Mr. Malfoy. You see,honorable as your intentions were,you,t00,were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention. Filch: A pity they let the OId punishments die. //Nas a time detention was found you hanging bY your thumbs in the dungeons. God,I39;II miss the screaming. You 39;II be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He39;s got a little job to do inside the Dark Forest. A sorry lot,this,Hagrid. Oh good God,man~ you39;re not still on about that bloody dragon,are you ? Hagrid: Norbert39;s gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony. Hermione: well,that39;s good,isn39;t it ? He39;II be with his own kind. Hagrid: Yeah,but vvhat if he don39;t like F30mania ? What the other dragons are mean to him ? He39;s only a baby after all. Filch: Oh,for God39;s sake,p//JII yourself together,man. You39;re going into the Forest after atl. Got to have your wits about you. Maltoy: The Forest ? I thought that was a joke. //Ne can39;t go in there. Students aren 39;t allowed. And there are.. werewolves! Filch: Ah,there39;s more than werawolves in those trees,lad. You can be sure of that. Nighty- night. Hagrid: Right,let39;s go. 哈利:海格瑞德,這到底是什么? 海格瑞德:這是它是hellip;.. 朗:我知道這是什么!但是海格瑞德,你是怎么得到的? 海格瑞德:我贏了!在酒吧里,從陌生人那里贏了。事實上,他似乎很想擺脫它。 赫敏:是條龍嗎? 朗:不僅僅是條龍!是挪威山龍!我哥哥查理在羅馬尼亞處理過這些事情。 海格瑞德:它漂亮嗎?祝福它,它也認識媽媽!你好,諾伯特. 哈利:諾伯特7 海格瑞德:是的,怎么了?它總是有一個名字,不是嗎? 伯特,7得一得一得一得! 哦!我得好好訓(xùn)練你!I那是誰? 哈利:馬佛伊。 海格瑞德:哦,小可愛! 哈利:海格瑞德一直想要一條小龍。當我第一次見到他時,他告訴了我。 朗:太瘋狂了!更糟糕的是讓馬佛伊知道。 赫敏:我不明白。有什么不好嗎? 朗:太糟糕了。 麥克格蘭格:晚上好。我再次重申,學生晚上絕對沒有權(quán)利在學校閑逛,在任何情況下都不允許,所以你應(yīng)該扣除50個學分來表示懲罰。 哈利:50學分 麥克格蘭格:每個人都是一樣的,為了防止這種情況再次發(fā)生,還要關(guān)閉你們四個人的禁閉。 馬佛伊:對不起,老師。我是不是聽錯了,您剛才說的是四個人嗎? 麥克格蘭格:不,你沒聽錯。馬佛伊先生。雖然你的出發(fā)點是正確的,但你也沒有按照規(guī)定睡覺,所以你必須和你的學生一起關(guān)門。 費爾奇:可惜那些老式的懲罰被他們廢除了。有一段時間,當他們被關(guān)閉時,他們會被綁著手指掛在地牢里。上帝,我真的很想念那些尖叫聲。你今晚將和海格瑞德一起關(guān)閉。很抱歉他想在黑森林里做點什么。這個海格瑞德!你還在談血淋淋的龍,對嗎? 海格瑞德:諾伯特走了。鄧伯倫把他送到羅馬尼亞殖民地。 費兒奇:那不好,它又能和它的同類在一起了。 海格瑞德:但是如果他不喜歡那里,7如果老龍對它太兇,7它還是很小的! 費兒奇:嘿,為了上帝,振作起來。你不想再去森林了嗎?冷靜點。 馬佛伊:我以為森林在開玩笑,我們不能去那里。學生不允許去 ,里面有狼人! 費兒奇:啊,不僅有狼人,小家伙!那是肯定的。 海格瑞德:好的,走吧。 |
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