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日期:2022-02-17 13:51:00八掌柜發(fā)布:costaricadining.com生日祝福語人氣:31我來評論

導讀:1、Lonely people always like to watch the crowds. 2、Fortunately, I like to laugh, life is not so bad. 3、Most of the world is the opposite, less is the same way. 4、You must work hard o meet better people. 5、Don't embarrass you...

1、Lonely people always like to watch the crowds.

2、Fortunately, I like to laugh, life is not so bad.

3、Most of the world is the opposite, less is the same way.

4、You must work hard o meet better people.

5、Don't embarrass yourself, just live like yourself.

6、We will be better, eberything is full of hope, gentle and warm.


8、遲到的向日葵也會開花。 ????

9、把你歸還給人海/是清醒也是知趣。 ????



12、It is wise to return you to the sea of people.

13、I'm sorry it didn't become your exception and preference.




17、幸虧我愛笑,生活才沒有那么糟糕。 ????

18、As long as there is someone you want to see, you are not alone.


20、你一定要努力,才能和更好的人相遇。 ????

21、I crave the world fireworks impartial, all are you.

22、Breaking up is the norm, I hope we will be the exception.


24、只要有想見的人/就不是孤身一人。 ????

25、孤獨的人總是喜歡看著擁擠的人潮。 ????

26、Fall into beauty/ be full of tenderness.

27、Human normality:if you just flinch, you are bound to miss it.

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