日期:2022-02-17 13:51:00八掌柜發(fā)布:costaricadining.com生日祝福語人氣:31我來評論
1、Lonely people always like to watch the crowds. 2、Fortunately, I like to laugh, life is not so bad. 3、Most of the world is the opposite, less is the same way. 4、You must work hard o meet better people. 5、Don't embarrass yourself, just live like yourself. 6、We will be better, eberything is full of hope, gentle and warm. 7、很遺憾沒能成為你的例外和偏愛。 8、遲到的向日葵也會開花。 ???? 9、把你歸還給人海/是清醒也是知趣。 ???? 10、我貪戀的人間煙火不偏不倚,全都是你。 11、散伙是人間常態(tài),希望我們會是例外。 12、It is wise to return you to the sea of people. 13、I'm sorry it didn't become your exception and preference. 15、世界上多的是南轅北轍,少的是殊途同歸。 16、想不動聲色/成為厲害的人。 17、幸虧我愛笑,生活才沒有那么糟糕。 ???? 18、As long as there is someone you want to see, you are not alone. 19、我們會變好的,一切充滿希望,溫柔且又熱烈。 20、你一定要努力,才能和更好的人相遇。 ???? 21、I crave the world fireworks impartial, all are you. 22、Breaking up is the norm, I hope we will be the exception. 23、人間常態(tài):一味退縮,一定會錯過。 24、只要有想見的人/就不是孤身一人。 ???? 25、孤獨的人總是喜歡看著擁擠的人潮。 ???? 26、Fall into beauty/ be full of tenderness. 27、Human normality:if you just flinch, you are bound to miss it. |
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