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日期:2021-04-19 23:06:00八掌柜發(fā)布:costaricadining.com生日祝福語人氣:31我來評論
1、時間不會讓我忘記你,只會習(xí)慣沒有你。 Time will not let me forget you, will only be used to without you. 2、余音終究是余音,能循環(huán)不能重來。 It is sound and sound, can be re circulation. 3、想到了你的名字,是不是就代表我想你了。 Think of your name, is not on behalf of I think you. 4、愛是恒久忍耐,加以恩賜。 Love is patient and gift. 5、花會一年一度的開,可人會不會一年一年的都在。 Once a year the flowers open, but will not be a year in. 6、我一遍遍的唱著你喜歡的那首歌,心卻哭了。 I sing the song that you like again and again, the heart is crying. 7、我也想做一個優(yōu)雅的淑女,是生活把老娘逼成了潑婦。 I want to be a lady, is the old woman forced into a life. 8、偶爾有點小情緒,為了引起你注意。 Occasionally a little bit of emotion, in order to attract your attention. 9、人不怕死,但是最怕不知道怎么活。 Man is not afraid of death, but the fear of not knowing how to live. 10、愛你的人寧愿留下來陪你吵架也不會因為生氣而離開你。 The one who loves you would rather stay with you and fight with you. 11、我們打勾勾、我會陪你到地老天荒。 We wanted to invite, I will accompany you to the The end of life. 12、我的懦弱,你的倔強(qiáng),導(dǎo)致了今天沒有任何話語的離別。 My weakness, your stubborn, leading to the absence of any words today. 13、學(xué)會忽略,是通向內(nèi)在平靜的一條大路。 Learn to ignore, is a road leading to the inner calm. 14、一度愛情是最美的、可惜。它也是最傷人的。 Once love is the most beautiful, but. It is also the most wounding. 15、請你離開!因為我不再愛你了! Please leave! Because I don't love you anymore! 16、當(dāng)初你說愛我保護(hù)我,現(xiàn)在你說愛我卻推開我? When you said you loved me, now you say you love me but push me away? 17、能讓我忘記過去的人,他就是我的未來。 Can let me forget the past, he is my future. 18、生命和愛的條件,便是勇敢和承擔(dān)。 The condition of life and love is courage and commitment. The biggest happiness in life is love and innocence. 20、一顆破破爛爛的心、經(jīng)不起再受到傷害。 A broken heart, can not afford to be hurt again. 21、承諾再多,做不到,也不過是謊言。 Commitment to more, can not do, but also is a lie. 22、回憶中的人住在舊城,他遠(yuǎn)了幾寸,又老了幾分。 Memories of the people living in the old city, he was a few inches away, and a bit old. 23、一個人自以為刻骨銘心的回憶,別人早已已經(jīng)忘記了。 A person from that The imprint is engraved on my heart. memories, others have long been forgotten. 24、我沒無理取鬧只是動了感情才喜怒無常。 I'm not vexatious just real feelings is subject to changing moods. 25、我可以,在你身邊直到地老天荒。 I can be at your side until The end of life. 26、相遇只是上帝作祟,相愛不過憑空想象。 Meet only God is everything, love but imagination. 27、不要說你有多在乎我,其實你也不是非我不可。 Don't say how much you care about me, but you are not my not. 28、給我一個肯定的眼神,我就義無反顧地跟你走。 Give me a certain look, I would not hesitate to go with you. 29、陪著我好嗎像最初相識我當(dāng)初未怕累。 To accompany me, like the original acquaintance I was not afraid of tired. 30、幸福的腳步總是那么短,我們可否賴著不走? The pace of happiness is always so short, we can not rely on not to go? Trying to be the one you love, everything is in time. 32、物質(zhì)只是一時的幸福,真感情,才是一生的幸福。 Material is just a moment of happiness, true feelings, is a lifetime of happiness. 33、那個少年溫暖的影子,說要抓住時光的腳步陪我到荒蕪。 The young warm shadow, said to seize the pace of time to accompany me to the desert. 34、很多事,唯有當(dāng)距離漸遠(yuǎn)時,才能回首看清它。 A lot of things, only when the distance away, to look back to see it. 35、記憶里的你,面帶微笑的看著我,一臉溫柔。 The memory of you, with a smile, looking at me, a gentle face. 36、要銘記在心:每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 Keep in mind that every day is the best day of the year. 37、你的三分熱度,傷了我全部! Your three points heat, hurt me all! 38、慢慢發(fā)現(xiàn)愛一個人就是毀了原來的自己。 Slowly found love a person is to destroy the original himself. 39、如果我的愛造成對你的傷害,那么對不起,我會離開。 If my love is hurting you, I'm sorry, I'm leaving. 40、我有血有淚,也會厭倦和疲憊。 I have tears of blood, will be tired and tired. 41、有些話,你不經(jīng)意的說出口,我卻很認(rèn)真的難過。 Some words, you inadvertently said exports, but I am very serious sad. 42、未想過有一天,會再卑微的像對待你那樣的對待誰。 Never thought that one day, will be humble as to treat you that way. 43、吶誰,你又不是郭靖,憑什么要求我像黃蓉一樣愛你。 Who, you are not Guo Jing, why do you ask me to love you like Huang Rong. 44、我蹲下來撫摸著自己的影子說:對不起讓你受委屈了。 I squat down to touch my shadow said: I'm sorry to let you wronged. 45、單車想旅行,帶著你的心,不要離我而去,要走一起走。 I want to travel, take your heart, don't leave me. Even hard, only by their own, and only by their own hard work to succeed. 47、深愛,是一場誰都輸不起的游戲。 Deep love, is a game who can not afford to lose. 48、承諾再多,做不到,那也只不過還是謊言。 Promise more, can not do, it is just a lie. 49、我的世界由我一個人就好,已經(jīng)足夠熱鬧。 My world by me a person is good, already enough lively. 50、你走天橋,我走地下道。 You go over the bridge, I take the underground road. 51、你的理由,過于牽強(qiáng),無一絲感情可言。 Your reason is too far fetched, no feelings. 52、我發(fā)誓我會活得有笑容,讓你們所有的人心疼。 I swear I'll live a smile, make all of you feel bad. 53、世間有許多美好的東西,但真正屬于自己的卻并不多。 There are many beautiful things in the world, but the real belongs to own but not much. 54、即使只是你最隨便的問候,都會讓我覺得你太暖心。 Even if only your most casual greetings, will make me feel that you are too warm heart. 55、永遠(yuǎn)太長,愛你到我離開世界的這一天。 Forever too long, love you to the day I leave the world. 56、我這一生要走多遠(yuǎn)的路程,什么時候才能停下。 How far is my life to go, when to stop. 57、你不想接我電話就直說,別老讓中國移動替你說對不起。 You don't want to answer my phone just say, don't let China Mobile for you to say sorry. 58、俄依舊可以高傲,不在乎沵捫的心跳。 I can still be proud, you don't care about children's heart. 59、我們都是好孩子,沒有道理不幸福。 We are all good children, there is no reason not to be happy. 60、就這樣安靜的生活著,就算再艱難都請不要忘記曾經(jīng)。 In such a quiet life, even if it is difficult to please do not forget once. 61、別人一個小小動作就讓我想起你很久很久。 Someone else a little action reminds me of you for a long time. 62、我總是沉浸在自己的思想里,聽不見別人的話語。 I am always immersed in my own thoughts, and I can't hear the words of others. 63、除了喜歡,懂與陪伴更重要。 In addition to like, understand and accompany more important. 64、過去的不再回來,回來的不再完美。 The past is no longer come back, come back no longer perfect. 65、你若不離,我永相隨。 If you do not leave, I will always be with you. 66、心里有就有,心里沒有就沒有。 There is a heart, there is no heart. 67、時間仍在,是我們在飛逝。 Time is still, we are flying. 68、不要分開就說對對錯錯,不要死皮臉皮情緒有多難過。 Don't leave that for right and wrong, don't have much sad mood of dead skin. 69、愛沒有聰不聰明只有愿不愿意。 Love is not smart or not only willing to do. 70、搖曳在筆尖的舞姿、是聚光燈下最濃烈的一抹艷紅。 Swaying dance in nib, is the most strong touch of red spotlight. 71、總覺得你的名字和我的名字寫在一起才般配。 Thought your name and my name together. 72、過去的暢想有多快樂,現(xiàn)世的遺憾就有多悠長。 Think of the past how happy, secular regret are long. 73、愛情,是我玩膩了的游戲。孤單,是我嘗慣了的滋味。 Love, is I tired of the game. Lonely, is the taste which I have been used to. 74、如果你忘了蘇醒,那我寧愿先閉上眼睛。 If you forget to wake up, then I would rather close my eyes. 75、寶貝,你能不能一直就像現(xiàn)在這樣寵著我,讓著我, Baby, can you keep on like this now, let me, 76、別站在你的角度看我,你看不懂。 Don't stand on your point of view, you can't understand. 77、你曾經(jīng)有沒有,把某人的說說全部看完,卻從不評論。 Have you ever had, all of a person's talk, but never comment. 78、對你的思念還在,對我的愛戀卻已經(jīng)消失。 Missing you still, my love has disappeared. 79、完美的幸福,始終需要兩個人來爭取。 Perfect happiness, always need two people to fight for. 80、也許因為太過孤獨,就連愛你也是我一意孤行。 Maybe because too lonely, even I also love you persist in wilfully and arbitrarily. |
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