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日期:2022-05-31 14:35:00八掌柜發(fā)布:costaricadining.com生日文案祝自己人氣:13我來評論
我結(jié)婚你一定要來呀,因為沒有新娘會很尷尬的。You must come when I get married, because it will be very embarrassing without a bride.下面是為小編為大家整理的時候1000句最污的英文情話希望大家喜歡。 1、那個,你可以過來一下么?我有戀愛想跟你談一下! Well, can you come here for a second? I'm in love and want to talk to you! 2、你知道你是什么花嗎?是米花啦,我想爆米花。 Do you know what kind of flower you are? It's rice. I want popcorn. 3、每天愛你多一點,要記得給我頒個進步獎。 Love you a little more every day, remember to give me a progress award. 4、愛你如初是騙人的,今日的我當然比昨日更喜歡你啊。 It's deceitful to love you as before. Of course, I like you more than I did yesterday. 5、我的擇偶標準:長得像你,性格像你,最好是你。 My criteria for choosing a mate: look like you, character like you, it's better to be you. 6、你是雨季的紙短情長,亦是心口的念念不忘。 You are the rainy season paper short love, is also the heart of nostalgia. 7、我喜山喜水,但還是不及我喜眼中的您。 I like mountains and waters, but not as much as I like you in my eyes. 8、江湖太遠了我不去了,我愛上了給你做飯陪你睡覺。 The world is too far away. I will not go. I fell in love with cooking and sleeping with you. 9、我這一生有兩個任務(wù),掙錢給你花,不讓你哭。 I have two tasks in my life, to make money for you, not to make you cry. 10、你愿不愿意帶我回家,當你的生活必需品? Would you like to take me home when you need it? 11、和你分享沉默的時候,我也感到快樂。 I feel happy when I share my silence with you. 12、老實說,你在我心里的位置,連我自己都深深妒忌。 To be honest, your position in my heart, even I am deeply jealous. 13、如果我用愛你一半的心來學習,一定成學霸。 If I study with half of my love for you, I will become a bully. 14、多期望你能明白我,即使我什么也不說。 I hope you can understand me, even if I don't say anything. 15、你若許我一顰一笑一牽魂,我便諾你一字一句一沉淪。 If you allow me to twinkle, smile and lead the soul, I will promise you to sink. |
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